
Hello blog-readers - sorry for the big silence. I went on holiday to France where I met some delightful donkeys so donkey-mania continues. They were on the Ile de Ré and some were wearing pants ... yes, pants ("ânes en culottes") ... see photo. Can't say I have any plans to paint donkeys in pants but still loving the critters so suspect that more donkey paintings will emerge from my studio shortly.

Anyway, the weather in France was sunny and hot. But I got back to the UK a few days ago accompanied by a stinking cold so I have been huddled at home, shivering and sniffling and not getting much done. Consequently, no new work to show here; instead a painting of a Shropshire donkey painted three weeks ago (still in my red phase).

Time for another hot drink. Hope to post something new very soon.
