As you may have gathered,
watercolour classes are due to begin at
Ferndell in Shrewsbury from
October. Ferndell proprietor Sarah mentioned that she had never painted
in watercolours - or indeed in any other medium - so I offered to run
through the class with her in a somewhat abbreviated form, and this we
did on Tuesday. By "abbreviated", I mean that the class lasted less than four hours as opposed to the six hours of the real class. I also noticed an absence of prosecco ....
The photos in this post show her
progress and lovely results - wonderful for a complete beginner! She
also really enjoyed the whole experience and is now looking forward more
than ever to hosting our watercolour days.
If you would like to join the classes, want to make a gift of the day-long class to a loved one or simply to find out more, please contact
Sarah (who is in charge of the admin and hospitality side of things) on
01743 344949 or
0785 4492874.
I truly enjoyed it, once you told me to "just relax" I want my own watercolours and brush now. Sarah