If you've ever browsed this blog and considered buying something but wanted more info on the price, cost of postage etc., or would simply prefer to buy online, then you may be interested in taking a peek at my Artfinder online shop at https://www.artfinder.com/louise-diggle .
I've had the shop for over six months now and it's proving very worthwhile as Artfinder are easy as pie to deal with whether you're a buyer or seller, and I can reach audiences who would otherwise never see my work. My latest sale is of the recent canvas of a goat shown here, which will soon be adorning a wall in the USA.
I'm working on a couple of new projects at the moment, involving a new medium and new direction... it's all very exciting - so much so that with all the new ideas buzzing around my brain in combination with the long daylight hours, I've not been getting much sleep!
More about this new development and new client very soon (note to self: excessive use of the word "new").
You are very artistic, and your works look wonderful! They indeed make great decorations, and I'm sure many people are already checking it out already. I hope that many of them will buy your creations. I wish you good luck and have a great day! :)
ReplyDeleteAndrea Hart @ Leet Web CA
Such creativity, I wish you luck in selling your work to people. I will be sure to check out your shop as well as pass it on to other people to look at. I can already see some work on this page that would look great in my home. Keep up the great work.
ReplyDeleteRussell Beck @ 5 Star Brand
Your artwork is stunning. I like the picture of the bird; it looks like it’s looking back at you. There is a lot of creativity seen in the pieces, and I hope you get buyers soon. Maybe if you will post more of your artwork, more interested buyers will come visiting your website.