Well I didn't expect that!

Conjure up in your mind an image of a burlesque act ... Got it?  I'll go out on a limb here and say that I bet it doesn't include a startled looking flamingo and a very pretty wild west bandit / latin beauty / showgirl .... a sort of "Rod Hull and Emu" yet a million miles away from that ... but that's what we got yesterday evening at Dr Sketchy's Anti-Art School at The Laugh Inn, Chester - in the highly entertaining form of Velma Von Bon Bon and Fandango.

The photo strip hopefully clarifies this at least somewhat - though bear in mind that the legs sitting on the flamingo are false, and those underneath the flamingo are Velma's, if you see what I mean ...

Postscript: to find out more about Dr Sketchy's, go to my "Links" page.
