On Tuesday, I made a first delivery of my greeting cards to Write Here!, a lovely independent shop in Shrewsbury which retails pens, other stationery, art and craft materials, gifts and greeting cards. I'm very tempted by a drawing pen there ... hmmm, Christmas present to myself perhaps?
On Wednesday, having sorted out shipping costs, I dispatched my first sale from my Artfinder shop (https://www.artfinder.com/louise-diggle) to Canada: a pen and ink drawing of a lugubrious-looking Simmental, shown in this post. Fingers crossed that it gets to destination safely!

And while I'm on the subject of sketching .... Mr Turner / Timothy Spall: artists don't hold their sketchbooks like that! While watching the film, this struck both me and my arty companion immediately. Overall, we found the film rather slow at first, but better as it progressed and definitely worth seeing (despite all the on-screen groaning and coughing etc. - no Strepsils around back then apparently) - though it's long and meant it was a rush to get to the pub afterwards. Somehow art leads to alcohol .... how does that happen? Well, it was good enough for Turner, so who am I to disagree?

And now a (hopefully) inspirational weekend ahead ...
Great studies, congrats with Artfind great to hear your thoughts on Turner